Outsource things you don’t care about


A fundamental principle of business is that you do things in house that you think can give you a competitive advantage and outsource things…

Offline first, mobile enabled


One of the major trends in tech startups what Fred Wilson calls “Mobile first, web second.” Instagram is a great example of mobile first…

“Meaningful” startups


There is generally a lot of enthusiasm in the startup world these days. But some observers worry that too many startups are working on…

There are two ways to make large datasets useful


I’ve spent the majority of my career building technologies that try to do useful things with large datasets.* One of the most important…

Increasing velocity


Two common discussions in the startup world right now are 1) the increasing speed at which new apps/websites can gain mass adoption…

Facebook’s response to Yahoo’s patent lawsuit


Like many in tech, I believe all software patents should be abolished. That said, I think Facebook made the right move by filing a lawsuit…