Thales the Milesian


Like a lot of things we think are obvious today, financial options were first invented by a philosopher: There is the anecdote of Thales the…

function my_exit_payout(…)


/* aggregateoptionsstrike_price = your options strike price per share * number of shares you own company sale price is 1) if private…

Pitching the VC partnership


The last step to raising venture capital is normally a 1 hour pitch to the whole partnership during their weekly monday meeting.  This is…

The one number you should know about your equity grant


The one number you should know about your equity grant is the percent of the company you are being granted (in options, shares, whatever…

Six strategies for overcoming “chicken and egg” problems


Products with so-called networks effects get more valuable when more people use them.  Famous examples are telephones and social networks…

Dividing equity between founders


A friend asked me recently if I knew of any good guidelines for dividing up equity between founders, and specifically what to do in the case…